
A World Beyond Your Own

Above is the map of Div'Ess. Players will be able to explore every extent of what is shown from the moment the game fully starts -- after the intro scene described in the previous post. For reference, the physical size is near to that of Ireland. If you click on the image, you will be taken to my gallery site where you can see a detailed version of the map. Below are the different settlements that can be found around the continent:

The Citadel
Located on the Bilanks Peninsula, the Citadel is considered the capitol of Div'Ess. It is the home of the Marquis and neutral ground for nearly all political disputes and decisions. It is currently the largest settlement.
The port city of Dhilig is where the story begins. Being at the mouth of the Karrag River leading into Legira Bay, Dhilig has become the center of almost all industry and thus is never inactive. No matter what time, day or night, somewhere there are people hard at work.
Strategically positioned along the Citadel-Dhilig trade route, Freogan is a popular stopping place for travellers entering the Citadel or beginning the long trek to Dhilig. The city is known for housing artisans of many different trades.
At the other end of the Karrag River lies the port city of Innoc. Although distant from the Citadel, Innoc still receives many visitors and trades often with Dhilig using the river as a mode to transport goods.
Located in the inner curve of Falcated Lake, Tollus is a home to many skilled fresh water fishermen.
Nestled in the northern edge of the Khlaene Forest is the city of Kast. The residents here are known for their skill in hunting, each specializing in a specific type of game.
On the eastern edge of the Western Laurel is Iidan. Many who live here have acquired the aptitude for hunting rare game.
East of Avar Island, Affren is home to inhabitants skilled in salt water and deep sea fishing.
Deep within the Lux Mountains, Lyst is built into caverns created by the still active volcano.
The remnants of Lengun can be found on Avar Island. A massive maelstrom marks where the wealthy civilization once flourished.
Deep within the barren Gulla Torreface, the remains of the once great city of Matak can be found underground.
Not yet constructed, Vven will be positioned within the Errog Mountains.

Sitaj is a modest farming town found in the Dhol'An Grasslands. Being set along the Citadel-Dhilig trade route has generated a little bit of extra wealth for the town.
Located on the northwest part of Legira Bay, Aequo is home to a small number of salt water fishermen.
On the southern edge of the Khlaene Forest is the small town of Eshwen. It's position along the Karrag River makes is a popular outpost to restock supplies.
At the intersection where the Sidabras River meets the Collian River, Stathr is famous for its beautiful scenery and has become an attractive haven for scribes.
Known for mining uncommon metals, Ptennier is located far north within the Evid Tundra. With almost no trees near the settlement, it has become a mystery how the residents acquire fuel for their forges.
On the western tip of Falcated Lake, Frijon has become a common rendezvous for small game hunters.
South of Dhilig is the relatively new town of Eleem, known for highly skilled fishermen and metal smiths.
Deep within the Khlaene Forest lies the reclusive town of Dygga. Although not unfriendly, residents here tend to keep to themselves, guarding the secret locations of ore veins within the forest.
One of the southern-most towns is Gefa. Due to its remoteness, residents are especially hospitable to visitors. Also, they are known to have legendary skills for catching some of the largest sea creatures.
East of Ptennier is Hiemal, a town known to carry many rare herbs that only grow in cold climates.
Located where the Collian River meets the Cael Ocean, Fehre is known for deep cliff mining expeditions.
Just south of the Acedia Swamplands, Harta has been to provider of many unusual salves due to the unique content of the Puvia River.

Found on the western end of the Errog Mountains, Heddan is a mining village known for smithing with precious metals.
Purlieu is a small village and home to a variety of skilled hunters.
The mining village of Myukar, located on the western edge of the Lux Mountains, is noted to produce many strong metals.
Being on the other end of the Lux Mountains, Votia's close vicinity to the Opis Rainforest has given residents easy access to exotic herbs and unique tonics.
Poyd is located on the eastern edge of the Gulla Torreface. The farmers here have access to many different desert plants that have a wide array of uses.
Sitting in the Kour Vale, it is very difficult to find the path leading to Kyn. But it is said that those who find their way, return with newly acquired knowledge of legendary skills.
Far up north in the Ira Icefields, Hatta is home to several highly skilled blacksmiths, but the residents are very aggressive to outsiders.
Being located in the Acedia Swamplands, many who know of this place generally try to stay away. They say it smells bad.
Tinnak is home to a small farming community on the southern edge of the Dhol'An Grasslands.

I apologize for being late with this post. I was almost finished writing it Thursday, when I decided to change the subject to what it is now.
Earlier I had mentioned that players will be able to explore all of Div'Ess from the moment they are able to control Teniras. When it comes to RPGs, I'm the type that loves to explore, so when I play a game with massive areas, first I check where the story wants me to go and then I promptly proceed in the opposite direction. I try to exhaust all other avenues before continuing the story. You may have noticed that there are a few areas on the map that haven't been listed above. Areas such as La'tu-an and Vven-an are very minor settlements that act as gateways to their namesake. Aside from the places listed, there will, of course, be a plethora of caves, small ruins, and the like, scattered all around Div'Ess. So if you decide to get a hold of the game at any point in time (after its release), be sure to take in the scenery and enjoy being one with nature...

If you have any questions or comments, be sure to post it below. I'd really like to hear from you all and know what you think.


Only the Beginning...

As a father and his two young boys meander through the woods just outside their village, they discuss life lessons of hard work and the basics of battle. After a couple hours the father pauses briefly.

"What is it papa?" the younger son inquires.

He looks down at his son, smiles, and embraces him, "Nothing. How about we get us something to eat?"
The two boys happily nod, and the three head to the nearest river. Leaving to catch some game, the father asks his sons to build the fire. As he returns with a couple stouts, he catches his sons engaged in a friendly tussle. He looks on amused, when suddenly a faint sound catches his attention -- a scream, far off in the distance.

"Boys! Put out the fire!"
"But we haven't eaten anything yet."
"Do as I say! We must leave. I fear something has happened..."

After putting out the flames, the boys hurriedly catch up to their father.
The older son speaks up, "What is it father? What's happened?"
With a worried visage and staring straight ahead, the father only mutters to himself, "No...it's too soon!"
Passing through a clearing in the woods, the older son points upward, above the treeline.

"Father! The sky!"

Looking up he sees the night sky, glowing with an amber hue. Picking up speed, he nearly leaving his sons behind. When they reach the village, they are presented with a vision of bodies, blood, and fire everywhere. The father orders his boys to run to the place of their family's relic, and then sprints into the village. Against their father's wishes, the sons follow him, staying hidden so that they remain out of trouble. They watch in awe as he defeats enemy after enemy effortlessly without ever unsheathing his sword. Suddenly their father stops and stares into the shadows.

"Why are you here…?"

A silhouette departs from the darkness, and a man the boys have never seen before, clothed in an aura of evil, approaches their father. In low voices, barely audible to the boys, the two men converse. They see an anger grow in their father's eyes they never knew to exist as he releases his sword -- the first time the boys have ever witnessed. Striking out at the mysterious man, a duel ensues on a scale the boys have never seen. Weapons and powerful magic clash, the father appearing to have the upper hand! After what seems like hours, the battle ends as quickly as it began. The father stands over his opponent.

"You can not win. I've defeated you once, I will do it again!"

The man responds in a labored voice, "Yes, indeed you had defeated me, but do you know what I've been doing all these years?" The man's form begins to alter and grow, "I've learned a few 'tricks' since we last met!"

Quicker than the eye could catch, the man grabs the father by the throat and tosses him against a nearby house. With renewed vigor and beast-like savagery, the stranger begins battle with the father once again. This time the father is on the defensive, and fatigue begins to show. The boys watch as their father is battered mercilessly. On his knees in front of the stranger, the father is bloodied and bruised, desperately trying to catch his breath.

The stranger speaks mockingly: "I told you one day you would bow to me."

The father swings his sword one last time. Catching it by the blade, the man kicks the father, hurling him against the house once again. Weapon in hand, the man approaches. Out of breath and unable to move, the father stares off into the distance and sees the boys. As the stranger raises the father's sword against him, the father locks eyes with the older son and smiles one last time. A faint smirk appears on the stranger's face when he hears the younger boy scream as he executes their father…

...Teniras jolts from his sleep and tries to regain his bearings. It was a nightmare, nothing more.

This is the opening scene that a player sees after selecting to start a new game. The gameplay tutorial takes place towards the beginning of the scene when the father is teaching his sons "the basics of battle". Players will be shown their navigation and battle controls and test them out...pretty standard stuff.

As of right now I'm tied between developing for console gaming or for pc gaming. Both have their pros and cons, but taking into consideration the current industry trends, I believe pc gaming will probably be the final verdict. Developing for either platform will allow players to participate in both online and offline gameplay (which will be described in greater detail about how that will be carried out in this game at a later time), but the pc platform allows for creating mods which I know is huge in the pc gaming community. The main drawback that I've always seen with pc games is that you have to make sure your computer can handle said game, and that's not always easy. VnV will definitely be a contender when it comes to shear scale of the world on which you travel, and I'm not sure how that will play into minimum requirements for computers. Either way, we can do it...we have the technology.

I've read recently that Xbox is already releasing basic development specs to companies who want to get a jump on making games for the soon-to-come system. Sony is at about the same point as well, I believe. Hopefully VnV will be finished in time to be a part of that initial batch for either new system. And if it is, I may just push for a cross-platform game that will hit Xbox, Playstation, and PC/Mac. Perhaps even have all three capable of online/offline gameplay. Either way, odds are it will end up being available for purchase as soft copy only. Sorry, kids, no disc...

Okay, so this is pretty big news:
I just read an article tonight, literally released at 6pm today, that gives a pretty clear picture of where the video game industry is heading. The link is below. Check it out if you have the time.


The Setting of an Epic

Div'Ess, a world well into its 6th Age, has been enveloped in an aura of unbroken Peace for nearly 490 years. All major settlements work hard to keep this Peace constant through the Diligence of the Myrmidons. Providing some assistance, however, are the likes of bounty hunters and mercenaries. Sometimes seen as undesirables, they're more willing to get their hands dirty as long as it means getting the job done.
Teniras and his colleague Curtus are both mercenaries barely scrapping by, only catching bounties on minor pick pockets and bandits. But they are about to begin on a mission that not only pulls in a big reward, but also gives them a brief glimpse into activities that have been going on behind the scenes for decades...possibly centuries.

So what do you think?
Ok, I may be jumping ahead of myself by saying this will be the next level in the world of Adventure Games, but yes, I'm developing a game, and yes, I'm aiming high. I've been working on VnV for roughly 4 years now, but a lot of development has gone on during the last 2 of those years. I'll get into why I'm doing this, what inspired me, and other philosophical queries in later posts.

But hopefully this may have piqued the interest of a few gamers out there and perhaps the interest of many nongamers. Do not fret, for there is more to come, just don't expect any juicy details or spoilers…You'll have to buy the game for that.

I'm going to try to give you all weekly updates (usually Sundays) on how the game is progressing, as well as divulging little tidbits of interesting info about the creation and the creator. Be sure to tell friends, family, and strangers about VnV. I want to try to receive/utilize input from fans and followers.

And...if VnV reaches the shelves of your local retailer (online or offline), anyone that provided a significant idea, concept, or anything that became fully implemented into the game will receive a free copy. A list will be kept on this blog displaying all contributors and their contribution. Be mindful though, even if I say the concept is interesting, that does not mean I will implement it. There are plenty of good ideas out there, but it would be impossible to pack them all into one game...trust me I've tried.

Be sure to follow me on twitter for real-time updates! @swordlesssaru